Pretty but Dumb:
This model comes from the 1950's set 10
plans. It was a fairly easy model to assemble
and is quite a striking model. I wanted
to try this model because it is classic
Meccano subject matter, appearing in numerous
variations over the years accross all set
levels. I chose this version because the
'steam' driven mechanism had a nice look
to it.
There were a number of problems with the
mechanisms of this model. Next I intend
to construct the 1970's version to see if
that model works any better.
Most of the issues were minor (adding ratchets
to the winding drums), but my main problem
was getting the crane to actually hoist
it's crane arm. I had great difficulty determining
where to place the roller bearing to correctly
balance the crane arm. In the end the crane
arm was simply too heavy.
The outriggers, although cute, aren't tremendously
helpful in keeping the crane balanced when
it swings off axis.